What happens when you can't stand something? Ordinarily, there is a sense of "me" and the thing or person you "can't stand." Reality is split in two, and there is tension, contraction, stress. How do you rise above this tension? The Parshah begins: "Atem nitzavim hayom kulkhem... "You all stand together today... from your hewer of wood to your carrier of water... to pass into the covenant...״ What is a covenant? A covenant is a special, intentional connection between two beings- a coming together of two, rather than a separation and tension. How do you connect with the Divine? Nitzavim Hayom- Stand today- meaning, take your stand in this moment. When you "stand" your head is raised up- meaning, you can see all that is below- your body, your feelings, your thoughts. Use your head to be aware of yourself in this moment, rather than spinning off into judgments, fantasies, and opinions about what you can't stand! Instead, take your stand in this moment. From your hewer of wood to your carrier of water- It doesn't matter what your identity is, what roles you play, what your opinions are. On the level of awareness, we are all the same transcendent presence. Then it says: "L'ma'an hakim ot'kha hayom- "In order to establish you today..." That is, establish yourself in the present moment! Make Presence a way of living, not merely a technique or occasional practice. When your presence burns brightly like the sun, far above your opinions and yet intimately aware of them, then the One Being looks through your eyes, seeing Itself everywhere. Then there is no longer "you" connecting with "God," but there is simply Being, shining forth from everything. From that state, the love and wisdom to make peace and "stand with others" becomes available... Click Here for more on Nitzavim and a funny dance called "Watch me Nae Nae"...
9/28/2016 02:03:50 pm
Thanks for another beautiful & very helpful, TOA commentary.
9/29/2016 10:06:55 am
Amein Marcy thanks for writing!!
Chanah Katz
10/4/2016 08:23:49 pm
I want to practice standing with others as "one" as the Torah teaches us. I know I will lapse. But this is very important for me.
10/6/2016 11:02:40 am
Amein Channah thanks for writing!
Chanah Katz
10/4/2016 08:20:25 pm
Having just returned from Portugal, having been through the beginning of the New Year, having had the joy of seeing and holding my newborn grandson, I understand the need to be to be present ever so much more. Not to miss any joyous moment with my spouse and my family members and their children. How much richer in spirit I will be.
10/6/2016 11:03:31 am
Wow- welcome home and huge mazel tov Chanah!!!
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