The Apes were Surprised
Humans did not emerge on this planet through apes following their tried and true ape scripts. But nor did the apes get together to try to figure out how to become human. Real change emerges from the mysterious Source of creation Itself; we don't have to invent it. But unlike the apes, we can choose to open ourselves to It. The Torah tells us that the Israelites had to become free from Egypt first, then receive the revelation of their mission at Sinai. It is the same for us: in order to receive our missions directly from the Source, we must first free ourselves from the contracted sense of "me" and "my life", and that means letting go of all our assumptions. The "I" must become an open window through which the breeze of Divine evolutionary impulse freely blows.
You can't make yourself awaken, but you can open yourself to it. How do you do that? You first have to notice what is blocking it. What is blocking it? All your assumptions! When you notice your assumptions, then you can choose to let go of them. But if you just go on assuming you know the truth, then you can't open yourself to Truth. But the Truth wants to come in- it knocks at the door! Tonight at 11:30 pm, in room 7 of the Berkeley JCC, we will open the door together. Join me and many fine teachers for the all-night Shavuot learning gathering.
For more, enjoy last Monday night's talk by clicking here! You will need a password to listen. To get one, sign up here. After you sign up, please send me an email requesting the password. If you don't write me, I will still send you the password within a week or so. In order for the mind to be truly free, it has to first be restrained. Left unrestrained, it tends to wander through well trodden pathways of thought. Restrain the mind, and a space opens up for something new to happen- revelation! So to have true freedom of mind, first enjoy some freedom from mind. May a space for the New open for you in this time of revelation!
For more on this topic, enjoy last Monday night's talk by clicking here! You will need a password to listen. To get one, sign up here. After you sign up, please send me an email requesting the password. If you don't write me, I will still send you the password within a week or so. What Does G-d want me to do?Shalom friends! I have uploaded an audio recording of Monday night's talk. You can click on the above title to access. If you don't have the password, please sign up for my mailing list and I will send to you.
Enjoy! |
September 2024